Hi Daniel, Nice work! I was wondering if you'd like to help accumulate some of the good work in eros (http://www.ros.org/wiki/eros). I've got some cmake toolchain modules there as well as ros build recipes for apr, log4cxx and the like. Ideally if we get enough exposure and testing done there, future users shouldn't have to worry about configuring their toolchains, manually downloading and patching rosdeps (I'm working towards a simple 'rosmake eros_apr' and the like) or complicated build scripts that are quickly out of date. I also would like to patch ros as much as the embedded community can so we can in future, guarantee a smooth cross-compile for the more official ros stacks. In particular, what would be good: - a nao specific cmake toolchain module - checking if the rosdep packages (eros_apr etc) work out of the box for you - working on patches for bullet and tf that we can submit to the guys at willow. I'm usually around on IRC on freenode (#eros) if you would like to chat. Cheers! Daniel Stonier. -- Phone : +82-10-5400-3296 (010-5400-3296) Home: http://snorriheim.dnsdojo.com/ Yujin Robot: http://www.yujinrobot.com/ Embedded Ros : http://www.ros.org/wiki/eros Embedded Control Libraries: http://snorriheim.dnsdojo.com/redmine/wiki/ecl On 2 November 2010 23:17, Daniel Maier wrote: > > Hi everybody! > > I wrote a tutorial on how to cross-compile ROS for the Nao platform. > It involves one or two hacks but this is how I got it running on our Naos. > Also, the tutorial ended up more detailed than necessary, but I thought it > might help some of you guys. > > You can find it here: http://www.ros.org/wiki/nao/Tutorials/Cross-Compiling > > Suggestions on improvements are welcome! > > Best, > Dan > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > ros-users@code.ros.org > https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users >