On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 10:34 PM, Aidin Sadighi wrote: > I have a problem with adding cUrl into my ros package. I am using Eclipse > for C/C++ Programmers Version: Helios Service Release and I am using C > Turtle latest version. > I am able to compile, run, and debug a ROS package in Eclipse but problem is > I am getting compile error for cURL as following: > > undefined reference to `curl_easy_cleanup' > .... > > > I know I need to add "-L/path/to/dir/with/libcurl -lcurl" to the linker but > the problem is I can not find any place in Eclipse and/or ROS makefiles to > specify this. hi Aidin, I'm not an Eclipse user, but here's a simple example of what would go into CMakeLists.txt to link against an external library: http://www.ros.org/wiki/rosbuild/CMakeLists/Examples#Linking_against_an_external_library . If the library is not in the default linker search path, you should also call `link_directories(/path/to/dir/with/libcurl)`. brian.