On Mon, 15 Nov 2010, Josh Faust wrote: > > Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I am not a lawyer, but I see _copies_ of > TaskContext creations from Orocos examples, with only some concrete > function names being replaced by the ones he need, so my personal reflex > would be to give credit to the project where I got this code from, also in > the license attached to the code. > > Herman > > That's quite a grey area, given that examples are generally meant to be > copied (and any TaskContext-derived class might end up looking like one > of them). If you're going to take that stance, you might as well make > Orocos GPL. > > Josh There is absolutely no difference between LGPL and GPL in the context in which I have made my remark: the concept of "derivative code" is exactly the same for both :-) (Both licenses just differ in what they allow you to do with derived work.) Anyway, I am not making any legal stance at all, except that I am trying to make people _aware_ of the existence of such grey zones. There is no final answer to that 'grey zone' issue, because all legislative systems (as far as I am aware) will leave it to a judge to decide about such cases. Since I am very anxious to keep Orocos (and also ROS) industry-ready, we (Orocos, ROS) should try to avoid any grey zones, whenever possible, even if it is a grey zone between two free software licenses: I would not be surprised _at all_ to see a malafide lawyer attack ROS and Orocos for mutual license violations if that would be a appropriate strategy for a ROS/Orocos enemy... My suggestion would be to dual license this kind of "ROS-Orocos" bridge code, with LGPL and BSD the obvious license choices. Herman