Andy, > I am trying to create a nav_msgs/Odometry publisher, to be used by > the robot_pose_ekf  node.  My robot only give me 3 numbers: x,y and theta > while the nav_msgs/Odometry message needs covariance and many other data. > My question is what variables correspond to the covariance matrices > in nav_msgs/Odometry? Check out the message documentation here: . You'll basically need a 6x6 matrix to represent the Gaussian uncertainty on your robot pose. If you only have 3 values from your odometry, you probably want to use high covariance values corresponding to the other 3 values in the robot pose. If you want to see an example, you can start up a pr2 robot in Gazebo, and do a rostopic echo on the output of the base_odometry controller. Hope this helps, Wim -- -- Wim Meeussen Willow Garage Inc.