On 17/11/10 10:49, Melonee Wise wrote: > Yes it's a branch but anyone is welcome to take my changes. I haven't > added the accelerometer to the driver but I can add it (is there any > preference on units), I am also trying to find if the current tilt > position is published by the kinect so I can add a get method. It would be great if you could add the accelerometer. You can of course start from my implementation in [1] (my branch of old libfreenect, I will probably throw it away and switch to yours once the accelerometer are integrated in it). For the units, I suggest to use the SI unit (m/s^2) if possible, but otherwise the raw values would do. I do not know whether there is a way to retrieve the tilt position, it would be good, as it would allow to publish it as a tf transform. However, depending on my experience, the tilt link is not very stiff, especially if the kinect is not lying on a flat surface. Kind regards, Stéphane [1] https://github.com/stephanemagnenat/libfreenect -- Dr Stéphane Magnenat http://stephane.magnenat.net