My experimental nodelets are working pretty well now on cturtle, thanks to help already provided. These nodelets attempt to follow the "Intraprocess Publishing" directions on the wiki: So far, I have not been able to measure any performance improvements over the old inter-node messages. It is always possible that I misunderstood those simple directions and have somehow coded it wrong. * What is a good methodology for measuring the overhead of these messages? I've been using "top" to observe the CPU overhead with various combinations of subscribers, but it's hard to tell which nodelets in the shared process are actually using up the time. Generally, I see one process named "nodelet" with significant overhead and others using a fraction of a percent. I am guessing this has something to do with callback processing, but it's hard to learn much about what's going on that way. * Is there some way to set different "command names" for the different nodelets so top or ps can identify which is which? * How can I run "profile" on a nodelet or a collection of nodelets? * Are any enhancements planned for rxgraph to report nodelet connections clearly? If not, I'll open an enhancement ticket. The rostopic and rosnode commands seem to report things correctly, so the right information must be available somewhere. I am guessing that memory allocation for large, high-bandwidth messages could be a significant factor. Before, I pre-allocated the messages to avoid memory overhead on every cycle. (But, I suppose that just pushed the problem down into the publish() implementation.) Now, I have to allocate a new message and shared_ptr every time. * Should I use the ros_realtime/allocators package in place of standard C++ new? Are there examples of this I can study? * Are there other realtime allocation options I should look at? It's really hard to figure out what to do without good profiling data telling me where the bottlenecks are. Regards, --  joq