Hi Prasad, Inline replies below: > 1. Does it stores a pattern and matches it when live camera is running? Yes. > 2. Can i work with only single camera OR a pair to get the marker? Does > camera_info topic requires stereo camera? You don't need a stereo camera setup. Since you know the size of the marker in advance, you can estimate it's 3D position with a single camera. > 3. Will i be able to work on ar_pose_ekf to estimate accurate position using > single camera? Since i have memory constraints so i am avoiding stereo > vision process. I have Hokuyo-URG-04 and Odometry sensors. I want to fuse it > with my existing sensors to get more precise localization inputs. The ar_pose_ekf was developed to work in conjunction with ar_pose. If you have more than one camera, the different estimates for the marker pose can be merged together using ar_pose_ekf. If you are only using a single camera, you probably don't need to use ar_pose_ekf (although it might help smooth out the result - I haven't tested it myself). > 4. How it works in light different light intensities? It should handle reasonable variation in the light conditions. The best thing would be to just try it out. > I hope all my questions are relevant. Let me know if you need any further help! Ivan Dryanovski