Hello ROS users list, I am currently trying to develop an application using the PropagationDistanceField class found in the distance_field package. However, I am getting some unexpected results when I do simple tests with points. Constructing the distance field with parameters: x_size: 5.0 meters y_size: 5.0 meters z_size: 5.0 meters origin_x : -2.5 meters origin_y : -2.5 meters origin_z : -2.5 meters resolution: 0.05 meters max_distance: 10 meters And doing the following: //// distanceField->reset(); std::vector points; for(double y = -2.5; y < 2.5; y+=0.05) { points.add(btVector3(0,y,0)); } distanceField->addPointsToField(points); //// I should expect to get a distance field which has a line of zeroes along the y axis, with increasing distances from there. However, the distance field I actually get has a line of zeroes along a line roughly where y=0, and both x and z are set to what should be y. Here is a screenshot of the vizualization I get out of rviz when I try adding in a line of points along the y axis (I added the colored markers along the XY plane myself, the red markers come out of the vizualization method): http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/2771/yaxis.png When I instead try to add a line along the x or z axes, I get an even stranger result, where there is simply a point at the origin and nothing else: http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/6683/xaxis.png Seeing these results, I am wondering if I am using the distance field class properly. I was under the impression that "addPointsToField" was supposed to take in a vector of points in world coordinates, and then compute the distance transformation of the voxel field given those points. Is this correct? Thank you Matthew Klingensmith mklingen@andrew.cmu.edu