On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 11:31 PM, Eric Perko wrote: > There is a wiki page that talks about some of the alignment issues that have > come up with ROS on ARM. > http://www.ros.org/wiki/eros/alignment (take a look at the linked ticket as > well). Also take a look at this > thread: http://code.ros.org/lurker/thread/20101122.232925.f0d885ce.en.html and > perhaps try the -msoft-float option and see if that changes anything. Hi Eric, Thanks for the suggestion. I applied Josh's patch, and that seems to have fixed the problem within dynamic_reconfigure. I think camera1394 might be working now -- I'm getting some intermittent results because I think my camera may be occasionally exceeding the power limits of the USB host bus on the beagleboard. I am going to try connecting the camera to a powered hub and see if I can get more reliable results. Thanks to you both again for your help. regards, -andrew