On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 6:45 AM, Felix Ingrand wrote: > I am running Fedora, and smach is installed (from rosinstall ~/ros http://ros.org/rosinstalls/cturtle_pr2all.rosinstall) : > > [felix@zag-fc12 executive_smach]$ pwd > /home/felix/ros/stacks/executive_smach > [felix@zag-fc12 executive_smach]$ ls > CMakeLists.txt  Makefile  rosdep.yaml  smach  smach_msgs  smach_ros  smach_viewer  stack.xml > > But I cannot find the smach_tutorials. Is there a svn or git repository for this particular package? hi Felix, Try this, which checks out the cturtle version of the executive_smach_tutorials stack, which contains the smach_tutorials package: svn co https://code.ros.org/svn/ros-pkg/stacks/executive_smach_tutorials/tags/cturtle executive_smach_tutorials (you could add this into your rosinstall file). It took some work to find that. Problems that I encountered: * The package wiki page (http://www.ros.org/wiki/smach_tutorials) contains a broken repository link. * Neither roslocate nor ros.org/browse find smach_tutorials when searching for 'smach' (e.g., http://www.ros.org/browse/search.php?q=smach). * Both roslocate and ros.org/browse find a confusingly named asmach_tutorials package, in the linux_networking stack. In the end, I found the package by searching for 'smach_tutorials' in Trac, and following apparently relevant commits to see where they went. Anybody know why this package was hard to find? brian.