Hello everyone, I would like to start by saying that I'm sorry to ask a question that seems to be quite recurrent on this mailing-list but I didn't find the information I am looking for. I am trying to run stereo_image_proc on two PointGrey Flea2 firewire cameras connected on the same bus. There is no hardware (external) trigger. The camera documentation indicates it is possible to get synchronized images from theses cameras in this precise configuration. However, it is currently not the case as I am launching two different instances of camera1394_node to grab the images. My questions are: 1. I would like to know what are the plans to support stereo pairs of Firewire cameras? I think many people use similar configurations and it is really a shame that ROS does not work "out of the box" for this as for all the components I have tested so far. 2. How should this problem solved? I don't see any way to make stereo acquisition work with separate components doing the grabbing as this is done currently. Should a camera1394_stereo_node be written? Is it how this problem should be solved? Thanks a lot, -- Thomas Moulard