Hi, I ported some other ROS stacks to FreeBSD as well (I'll write a wiki page soon), including geometry and laser_pipeline. Running dummy_scan_producer from the laser_assembler package (geometry 1.2.0) works fine but when I want to echo the /tf messages with "rostopic echo /tf" I get: acer % rostopic echo /tf ERROR: Cannot load message class for [tf/tfMessage]. Are your messages built? I got it to work once but I forgot how :( (doing some magic with _tf.so ?) . Similarly, roswtf cannot load the tf.tfwtf plugin. The latter seems to be caused by the __import__ statement on line 68 of ros/tools/roswtf/src/roswtf/plugins.py (ROS 1.2.4) failing to load the plugin. I think it has something to do with the .so files. Currently I install them as follows: 1. Strip the rpath with chrpath -d 2. Copy the library from its build directory to /usr/local/ros/stacks// with permissions 444 (555 or 777 gives the same result) 3. Make a symbolic link from this library to /usr/local/lib 4. Run ldconfig -m /usr/local/lib to update the library path ROS_PACKAGE_PATH is set to /usr/local/ros/stacks Note that I install everything except the "build" directories, but for tf there are only files under CMakeFiles. Is there some convention in Python for importing C/C++ modules? (Note to self: I also found out that the -regextype parameter for find(1) used by "rosmsg users" does not work on FreeBSD). Regards, Rene -- http://www.rene-ladan.nl/ GPG fingerprint = ADBC ECCD EB5F A6B4 549F 600D 8C9E 647A E564 2BFC (subkeys.pgp.net)