After a long time since my first post about a generic message transport architecture, we finally released it in the ETHZ-ASL message transport stack. Details about the ethzasl_message_transport stack can be found at In addition to the framework, we also implemented a shared-memory transport plugin and a udp multicasting transport plugin, and instantiated the transport plugins for images and point-clouds. The shared memory transport will not offer the same performance as using nodelets, but it can be an option when very large object needs to be passed around while keeping different processes (there have been several discussions on this topic on this list). The UDP multicasting transport is interesting when small objects needs to be passed very quickly to many receivers on several machines (in comparison, normal tcp transmission will incur a delay increasing with the number of subscribers). Note that the plugin does not manage object fragmentation, and does not intend to do it (it would defeat the purpose). This means that it will refuse to send object bigger than 8092 bytes. Other type-specific transport plugins can quickly be implemented using this framework. As examples, I've adapted the theora and compressed image transport, and implemented a decimated point cloud transport. Ideally, the udp multicasting stuff (and shm) should go into the core of ROS, but I have not understood enough of the xmlrpc negociation to implement it myself. HTH -- Dr. Cedric Pradalier