Just FYI, the Yujin Robot vacuum cleaner (http://www.iclebo.com/english/pro_plusa.html) is already doing visual mapping and might be in the same price range. Cheers, Radu. -- http://pointclouds.org On 12/04/2010 12:43 PM, Alex Bravo wrote: > We've thought about trying the Neato XV-11's instead -- they're more > expensive, but you get LIDAR. However, they don't sell stripped down > units nor publish their documentation like iRobot does, so we're going > with the Creates for now. > > We are leaving in really exciting times. Just 3 months ago the most affordable alternative for running navigation stack > with SLAM was iRobot with Hokuyo. About $2,000 total. > And now we have not one but two extra options: > 1) Neato with their sensor $400. > 2) iRobot + Kinect $300 - $400 > Another $300 for brain/mics and you have a sub-$1000 robot hardware. > Add to this the great work all you guys were doing on the software side, and the advent of Personal robotics looks a lot > closer. > Alex Bravo > P.S. It would be nice if Neato would release their specification too. Are you listening, Neato? :)