Dear list, I am currently writing a ROS node for the Neuronics Katana 450 arm and would be happy about a few quick pointers about how to continue. I am aware of the ROS packages katana450, katana_ik_bridge and stair_katana; however, I would like to reuse as much ROS stuff for IK, arm navigation and motion planning as possible, so I decided to rewrite the code from scratch. So far, - I have created a URDF description of the arm; - I can read out the current joint angles and publish them as JointState messages; - I can move the arm to a desired joint angle configuration; - I can move the arm to a target pose in space, using the inverse kinematics library supplied with the arm (although I'm also eager to give the ROS IK a try). I have the feeling that I am almost done (right? come on, please!), but I'm a little overwhelmed by the wealth of arm navigation stuff in ROS. What are the messages/services/actions that I should provide to be able to interface my arm to a motion planner, and to use the ROS IK, and so on? Best, Martin -- Dipl.-Inf. Martin Günther Universität Osnabrück Institut für Informatik Albrechtstr. 28 (Raum 31/503) D-49076 Osnabrück Fon: 0541 969 2434