Hi Nick, On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 8:44 AM, Nicholas Butko wrote: > Thanks Tully. This is helpful. > So the suggestion, as I understand it, is to have a "camera nodelet manager" > that (a) has a nodelet::Loader and (b) has a while (ros::ok()) {} loop. > Something like > {{{ > ros::init(argc, argv, "CameraImageServer"); > ros::NodeHandle n; > nodelet::Loader l; //This is what we need to be a nodelet manager > ... I think you could even write your camera driver as a nodelet itself, and just load it into a standard nodelet manager. Just adding another option to an already overflowing list. -- Stuart Glaser sglaser -at- willowgarage -dot- com www.willowgarage.com