In rosh: In [2]: topics.pelican1. topics.pelican1.asctec_proc topics.pelican1.controller_mux topics.pelican1.autopilot topics.pelican1.downlink topics.pelican1.control_mode_attitude topics.pelican1.estimator topics.pelican1.control_mode_autosequence topics.pelican1.control_mode_hover topics.pelican1.teleop_flyer topics.pelican1.control_mode_idle topics.pelican1.vicon_recv_direct topics.pelican1.controller .. quit out of rosh and in the same terminal: bouffard@lipschitz:~/kinect-devel-unstable$ rostopic list | grep pelican1 /pelican1/asctec_adapter/land_now /pelican1/asctec_proc/imu /pelican1/asctec_proc/pressure_height ... back into rosh, and try another way: In [1]: topics['/pelican1/asctec_adapter/land_now'] Out[1]: bool data Which is what it should say (it's of type std_msgs/Bool). Why can rosh 'see' that topic one way but not the other, even when rostopic list can see it? This is using unstable maverick debs. Thanks, Pat