I've got the openni_camera driver running (though without openni_pcl at this point) but I'm having trouble getting anything useful from it so far. The only thing that has worked as expected is the RGB image. Specifically when I try to look at the depth image in rviz's image_view, the error message I get is "Unsupported image encoding [32FC1]". This can be seen either from the commandline (rosrun rviz image_view) or from within rviz proper. Also, image_view (from the image_view package) does display the depth image, but at a much lower rate than it is coming in at (rostopic hz /camera/depth/image_raw reports 30 Hz), maybe around 5 FPS. The image is also flickery and there is a wide black border on the right and top edges of the image. Any ideas? Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick 64-bit, ROS unstable (.deb install). Cheers, Pat