On Sun, Dec 12, 2010 at 11:10 AM, Julian Schmid wrote: > I had a problem with OpenCL under OS X 10.6.5. Whenever I tried to > rosrun a program that dependet on OpenCL I got the following error message: > > rosrun image_view image_view > dyld: Library not loaded: libopencv_core.2.1.dylib > Referenced from: /Users/lazewatskyd/ros/stacks/image_pipeline/ > image_view/bin/image_view > Reason: image not found > > After some google research, I found out, that I was not the first person > with that problem. Long story short, I found a script and modified it so > that it would fix my problem. This problem was fixed in OpenCV a while ago: https://code.ros.org/trac/opencv/changeset/3298 That fix hasn't been merged into a ros/cturtle release of the vision_opencv stack, but you should be able to apply it manually. The fix is in current ros/unstable releases of vision_opencv, and will appear in diamondback. brian.