Hi Anton, I do have two followup questions for when you have the time: 1. It would be nice to enumerate the joint names from the parameter server so as to avoid hard coding them in several places. But at the moment, all the joint controllers hang off the root namespace. I tried placing them all under their own namespace (e.g. "/ax12_controllers") by using the "ns" keyword in the launch file, but when I did that, the controller_spawner.py node would just hang instead of firing up the various controllers. Hope that makes sense! 2. Suppose I want to start with a very simple inverse kinematics problem without doing the full arm navigation stack. All I want to do is place the tip of the hand of my robot at various places in space without regard to the orientation of the hand. Is it possible to have the arm kinematics solve just this 3-DOF IK problem rather than the full 6-DOF IK problem? Thanks! patrick