All, The problem here is: the depth image is not a depth image, it's a disparity image. Looks like Patrick is working on adding a disparity viewer: For a faster PointCloud visualizer, try the openni_pcl visualizer: (wiki page to follow in a few minutes :) ). Cheers, Radu. -- On 12/15/2010 07:03 AM, Patrick Goebel wrote: > I had this same issue so I am glad I found this thread. Based on what > Suat said, I am viewing the PointCloud in RViz on the > /camera/depth/points2 topic with Style set to Points and Color > Transformer set to RGB8 . While I see the point cloud fine, the refresh > rate is quite slow--roughly 5 fps. The camera image and point cloud > topics are refreshing at 30Hz according to rostopic hz. If I set the > Style to Billboard Spheres, the frame rate plummets to about 0.5 fps > even with the Color Transformer set to Flat Color. (My machine's load > meter also rises to about 3.8.) > > Could this be a graphics driver issue? I am running Ubuntu 10.04 on a > Fujitsu T730 tablet which has an Intel Core i5 running at 2.5GHz with > 4Gb RAM and I am not running any custom graphics drivers. My ROS > installation is the latest C Turtle using debian packages. I get the > same results whether I run the Kinect or OpenNI drivers. > > A related question: is it possible to get a grayscale or false-color > depth image like the one in the NITE demo or the one shown here? > > > > Thanks! > Patrick Goebel > Behavioral Sciences > Stanford University > > > > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > >