Thanks Eric--this is great! Using dynamic_reconfigure with the Logitech 9000, I see the expected effect with all parameters except exposure which generates the error: setting control 9a0901 current value of 9a0901 is 3 unable to set control : Input/output error [ERROR] [1292729915.173487152]: Problem setting exposure. Exception was unable to set control but setting absolute exposure works fine so no problem there. The one glitch I ran into was in setting the width and/or height in dynamic_reconfigure; because you can only set one at a time, as soon as one is set, uvc_cam warns: [ WARN] [1292730153.471431256]: Reconfigure callback failed with exception pixel format unavailable: and then image_view freezes. If you then continue to set the other dimension in dynamic_reconfigure, it does not unfreeze the image. Restarting the uvc_cam node *does* unfreeze image_view and picks up the new resolution, as long as you don't have width and height hard coded in the launch file. Will test more tomorrow. --patrick