On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 12:51 AM, Radu Bogdan Rusu wrote: > One of the first things that we need to deprecate is the pcl_ros::Publisher/Subscriber. Thanks to Patrick's amazing > work, we now have the possibility to reuse the ros::Publisher/Subscriber for pcl::PointCloud datasets. This means: >  * within the same process, we will just copy the pcl::PointCloud::ConstPtr >  * between different processes, we will send the pcl::PointCloud::ConstPtr, but with the same MD5 sum as > sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 + extra logic, which means all sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 consumers will be able to consume > pcl::PointCloud directly Should I be able to then use pcl::PointCloud as a message type for a message_filters::Subscriber as well? If so is there code anywhere where this is used with an ExactTime synchronizer that I could look at as an example? I see that, e.g., pcl::fromROSMsg is still used in sac_segmentation.cpp in pcl_ros. Thanks, Pat