The 'ros' stack is a required dependency of all stacks so that they bootstrap correctly. The 'ros_comm' stack is a required dependency of all stacks that use messages, though this is more difficult for the system to detect. It is the case that the ros_comm->ros link is transitive, but the release tool is not smart enough to detect this. You could hack the release scripts, but it's probably easier to add the 'ros' stack depend. - Ken On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 11:54 AM, Ruben Smits wrote: >  Hi, > > I'm trying to do a new release of the orocos_toolchain_ros for the unstable > distro (replacing the ros stack dependency by ros_comm being the only change) > but I'm running in some weird problems: > > -- > Did you trigger the prerelease builds on ? > (y/n) > y > Retrieving up-to-date /home/rsmits/ros/release/distros/unstable.rosdistro > At revision 8352. > Release Properties >  * name: orocos_toolchain_ros >  * dev_svn: None >  * release_svn: None > Release target is [unstable] > Checking out a fresh copy of orocos_toolchain_ros from > to > /tmp/tmpdrM2Tn/orocos_toolchain_ros... > Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/tmpdrM2Tn/orocos_toolchain_ros/.git/ > remote: Counting objects: 1036, done. > remote: Compressing objects: 100% (361/361), done. > remote: Total 1036 (delta 786), reused 801 (delta 636) > Receiving objects: 100% (1036/1036), 128.11 KiB, done. > Resolving deltas: 100% (786/786), done. > Branch unstable_next set up to track remote branch unstable_next from origin. > Switched to a new branch 'unstable_next' > ERROR: Stack's declared dependencies are missing calculated dependencies: > ros > -- > > Both my local version as the checked out version only list ros_comm as > dependency and not ros. The pre-release jobs ran perfectly. > > Any ideas? > > Ruben > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > > >