Hi everyone, I am releasing the Constrained Manipulation Planning Suite (CoMPS), which consists of three openrave plugins and associated data files. CoMPS includes an implementation of the Constrained Bi-directional RRT (CBiRRT), an iterative IK solver, and a set of useful openrave functions for manipulation. The planning and inverse kinematics algorithms in this suite are designed for articulated robots like robotic arms and humanoids. The algorithms in CoMPS allow robots to perform motion with a variety of simultaneous constraints including constraints on balance, closed-chain kinematics, and task-space constraints defined as Task Space Region (TSRs) and TSR Chains. CoMPS is implemented in C++ and compiles in linux only. There are also several examples in python and matlab that show how to interface with openrave to use the plugins in CoMPS. It has been tested on Ubuntu 10.04 and will probably work with most modern linux distributions. CoMPS is released under the BSD license. For more information, including installation instructions, please see this page: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dberenso/software.html Thank you! Dmitry Berenson PhD Candidate Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dberenso