> Anyway, all I wanted to do was to get the Z rotation value of one observed > frame. If feels strange to have gone all the way with using KDL for that. > Here is the code (not optimized) I came up with. Do you see a more efficient > way to do this? > >    //compute roll pitch yaw using KDL >    tf::Vector3 axis=quat.getAxis(); >    float anglekd = quat.getAngle(); >    KDL::Vector vectkd = KDL::Vector(axis.x(), axis.y(), axis.z()); >    KDL::Rotation rot = KDL::Rotation(); >    rot = rot.Rot(vectkd, anglekd); >    double rx, ry, rz; >    rot.GetEulerZYX(rz, ry, rx); or you could write: double rx, ry, rz; KDL::Rotation.Quaternion(quat.x, quat.y, quat.z, quat.w).GetEulerZYX(rz, ry, rx); Wim -- -- Wim Meeussen Willow Garage Inc.