Hello, I am trying to calibrate my Kinect today. My only problem is that although the depth info is properly displayed in the GUI, the saved depth images are all black. I tried to hack around acquire_data.cpp in depth_cb(). Something seems fishy with the image conversion (lines 314 -> 329): // convert to cv::Mat for saving if (saveDepth) { cv::Mat img(ROWS,COLS,CV_16UC1); uint8_t *imgi = img.ptr(0); uint8_t *rgbi = (uint8_t *)depth; memcpy(imgi,rgbi,FREENECT_FRAME_PIX*2); char fname[1024]; sprintf(fname,"%s/img_depth_%02d.png", fdir, depth_num); depth_num++; if (cv::imwrite(fname,img)) printf("Wrote depth image %s\n", fname); else printf("ERROR: failed to write image %s\n", fname); saveDepth = false; } I tried to play around with the matrix, pointers types and the memcpy parameters but my openCV knowlegde being quite low, I cannot figure out how to get a clean picture. I tried having a look at the documentation of freekinect (to see what pixel format to expect for depth) but it hasn't been generated. Is this problem only happening with me or does anyone has it too? Any idea how to solve this? Raph -- View this message in context: http://ros-users.122217.n3.nabble.com/Black-depth-image-with-kinect-calibration-tp2255412p2255412.html Sent from the ROS-Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.