Ibrahim, Just out of curiosity: are the PCL visualization accelerated on your machine? Can you render point clouds fast enough? (I'll add a FPS text to the visualizer later today). Cheers, Radu. -- http://pointclouds.org On 01/15/2011 07:14 PM, Ibrahim Awwal wrote: > Hi guys, > > I'm having a problem running Rviz on my computer, which is an Intel Core > i5 2.4Ghz with an on-die GPU (integrated, but decent spec considering > it's made by Intel). According to google results this is at least > comparable to older nVidia graphics cards, but I can barely run Rviz and > it's very laggy on Ubuntu 10.10 with everything up to date. I also am > trying to work with the Kinect and openNI but the visualizations that > use Rviz are just too slow, although the regular libfreenect examples > (eg. freenect-glpclview) work perfectly fine at full framerate. It seems > like OGRE3D doesn't like intel GPUs unfortunately, but I've noticed that > some people are doing things with Atom boards, so I'm wondering whether > anyone else is able to run Rviz on Intel GPUs. > > I'm considering getting a cheap Intel Atom dual-core + nVidia ION box > for developing if it's unlikely for Rviz to work at all on Intel GPUs. > Would this be good enough for basic development? Ideally I could try to > run any CPU intensive nodes on my Core i5 and just do the visualization > on the ION box. Does anyone have experience with Atom+ION computers and > Rviz? I really need a development computer so that I don't need to go > into the lab to do anything useful. Thanks! > > (Addendum: Rviz also doesn't like new Radeon graphics cards either, > which is unfortunate because I do have a desktop with a high end Radeon > card. So in general, am I stuck with nVidia for doing anything with > Rviz, or is anyone having success with non-nVidia cards?) >