Patrick, Sorry for the late reply. We've been busy finishing and testing the PointCloud (de)serialization routines so that they work well with all PCL_ROS nodelets. In the process, we also removed all the unnecessary (de)serialization in the nodelets. No more to/fromROSMsg inside each nodelet. This should lead to significant speed and computational improvements, but we haven't done any proper testing and number crunching yet. Here's the patch that I just committed to pcl_ros a few minutes ago: * replaced subscribers/publishers in surface, segmentation, and feature nodelets from sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 to pcl::PointCloud, thus reducing complexity and getting rid of all the intermediate from/toROSMsg (de)serializations * moved away from storing state in the nodelets. The right way to do it is: callback -> PointCloud -> process -> publish, without storing the PointCloud as a member into the base class * introduced a mandatory emptyPublish which nodelets should use to send an empty result with the header frame_id and stamp equal with the input's. Next on the todo list is to actually finish up the `latched_indices` option, and integrate a new great generalized field value filter from Louis (thanks!) into both pcl and pcl_ros. On 12/30/2010 07:28 PM, Patrick Bouffard wrote: > On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 12:51 AM, Radu Bogdan Rusu > wrote: >> One of the first things that we need to deprecate is the pcl_ros::Publisher/Subscriber. Thanks to Patrick's amazing >> work, we now have the possibility to reuse the ros::Publisher/Subscriber for pcl::PointCloud datasets. This means: >> * within the same process, we will just copy the pcl::PointCloud::ConstPtr >> * between different processes, we will send the pcl::PointCloud::ConstPtr, but with the same MD5 sum as >> sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 + extra logic, which means all sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 consumers will be able to consume >> pcl::PointCloud directly > > Should I be able to then use pcl::PointCloud as a message type for > a message_filters::Subscriber as well? If so is there code anywhere > where this is used with an ExactTime synchronizer that I could look at > as an example? I see that, e.g., pcl::fromROSMsg is still used in > sac_segmentation.cpp in pcl_ros. Cheers, Radu. --