Hello all, We are a student team working on the pr2-robot and want to estimate the forces on the right gripper tool through the efforts sent out on the joint-states topic. We are trying to construct a kdl::chain to use for the calculation of a jacobian. But when we print out the names of all the joints in our chain, some of the joint names seem wrong since they aren't mentioned on the joint states topic. This is the code we use to construct the chain and print out it's segments and joint: Tree modeltree; std::string robot_desc_string; n->param("robot_description", robot_desc_string, string()); if (!kdl_parser::treeFromString(robot_desc_string, modeltree)) { ROS_ERROR("Failed to construct kdl tree"); return false; } cout << "file parsed" << endl; const string root_name = "torso_lift_link"; const string tip_name = "r_gripper_tool_frame"; if (!modeltree.getChain(root_name,tip_name,chain_)) { ROS_ERROR("could not find a chain from '%s' to '%s'",root_name.c_str(), tip_name.c_str()); return false; } cout << "Chain built" << endl; for(int i=0;i