On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 11:12 AM, maitri982 wrote: > > Hi all, > > Now that the installation issue is solved i am onto the tutorials.  I didn't > get far before I hit another fun issue.  I am unable to run the > roscreate-pkg command and it fails due to "permission denied" on the mkdirs > command. > > Seems like a linux permissions issue...not sure what to do. Yes. My uninformed guess would be you have navigated into your system-installed ros-tree and are now trying to add a new package somewhere that you don't have permissions. The tutorial stated you needed to go to your home directory before running it. Just a heads up, while we try to be as helpful as possible, this forum is dedicated helping people with ROS problems. There is a base level of linux competency we have to assume or else the scope of help would be far too large. I understand you are fairly new to linux. If you are uncomfortable with the OS, I would recommend that you might try going through some of the relevant sections from a linux tutorial before you continue. http://tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/html/ looks reasonable. When all else fails, maybe spend a few minutes re-reading through the tutorial or trying to google concepts on your own before immediately asking for help. Good luck, --Jeremy