I'm trying to remap the ~input topic for a pcl/SACSegmentation nodelet so that it is mapped to the topic /scene_pointcloud2. I've done this successfully before in a roslaunch file: .. but in this case I just want to use rosrun for a quick one-off test. The commandline I've tried is: rosrun nodelet nodelet load pcl/SACSegmentation pcl_manager input:=scene_pointcloud2 _model_type:=0 _distance_threshold:=0.05 _max_iterations:=100 _optimize_coefficients:=true and I see in the output: [ INFO] [1295909522.740405959]: /input -> /scene_pointcloud2 .. and from rxgraph and other indications it's clear that my intended remapping didn't work. Looking at the documentation [1], I couldn't see how it should be done, then I finally tried ~input:=scene_pointcloud2 which did the trick. It seems obvious in retrospect but nowhere in [1] does it even mention the '~' character in relation to topics. I'd make some changes to that page but there are also some cryptic statements in there that I'm not sure about. Eg. ".. whereas before the remappings only applied to a specific string".. before what? Later: "The one exception to this is when using searchParam, which keeps the old behavior". What old behavior? I assume this is probably ancient history by now and perhaps it should be removed as it only confuses users like me. But then again I'm clearly not an expert on this remapping stuff so I don't want to confuse anyone even worse! :) Thanks, Pat [1] http://www.ros.org/wiki/Remapping%20Arguments