Is there anywhere in the documentation where recommendations are made on things such as as to how to advertise topics? I don't mean the mechanics of how to code it, that is well documented. Let me give an example. So I know I want node A to publish topic T which will be subscribed by node B. Topic T is what I would consider a 'primary' topic in that it's the main output of node A and an important input for node B, as opposed to some ancillary data or something for debugging. Now when advertising T, I can advertise it with the node A's regular node handle, so it gets advertised as (assuming no runtime namespace pushdowns) /T, or I can advertise it with the private nodehandle, so it gets published as /A/T. Which one of these is the 'preferred' way, and why? Then, on the other end of that conversation, how do I tell node B what to subscribe to? Do I explicitly subscribe to either /T or /A/T, depending on the decision made above, or do I do something like subscribe to ~input (i.e. /B/input), and require a remapping at runtime, a la image_view or the pcl filters? Or do I even make the topic to subscribe to configurable via a parameter? Very similar questions could be asked of naming for services and parameters.. I like that there is flexibility but it would be nice if there was a conventional way to do this, as well as some rationale as to why it is the convention and some guidelines for when to break convention. Maybe something like this already exists on the wiki and I missed it, if so just point me there and my apologies. If not this seems like something that should perhaps go in an Informational REP. Cheers, Pat