Dear community, I'm working on the Care-O-bot from Fraunhofer IPA, Stuttgart, Germany. Specifically on motion planning. Therefore I adapted the pr2_arm_navigation launch- and config-files with respect to the Care-O-bot a while ago. This was about 3 months ago. Since we did not use collision maps from sensor data for planning so far, I enabled to use the collision map in the environment server. At that time, an exception was thrown from within the planning_environment package. I fixed that in a local overlay and was then able to do planned motion without using a collision map. The authors (Ioan Sucan and Sachin Chitta) confirmed that the error was an already known issue. Unfortunately, the correct version hasn't been released yet and so I kept on using my local overlay. In the meantime, the correct version can be found in the unstable ros version. So I tried to run my launch files using the unstable ros version this week. Since there were a lot of other changes, some changes had to be made. But still I am not able to get it running again, due to the following error message: [ERROR] [1296142278.725676475, 95.657000000]: Failed to import scene containing mesh: STL: ASCII file is empty or invalid; no data loaded. Supported extensions are: *.3d;*.3ds;*.ac;*.ac3d;*.acc;*.ase;*.ask;*.b3d;*.blend;*.bvh;*.cob;*.csm;*.dae;*.dxf;*.enff;*.hmp;*.irr;*.irrmesh;*.lwo;*.lws;*.lxo;*.md2;*.md3;*.md5anim;*.md5camera;*.md5mesh;*.mdc;*.mdl;*.mesh.xml;*.mot;*.ms3d;*.ndo;*.nff;*.obj;*.off;*.pk3;*.ply;*.prj;*.q3o;*.q3s;*.raw;*.scn;*.smd;*.stl;*.ter;*.uc;*.vta;*.x;*.xml [ERROR] [1296142278.726005869, 95.657000000]: Failed to load mesh 'package://cob_description/ros/meshes/torso_v0/tray_collision.stl' I get this message not only for the tray but all links that have a *.stl-file in the geometry-definition of its collision tag in the respective *.urdf.xacro file. We also had *.stl-collision models when the planning stuff worked 3 months ago. But never encountered that error. I get that error message when I try to start any of the following nodes: - planning_environment - ompl_planning - trajectory_filter_server It seems like our *.stl files are not conform to the format that is expected by these nodes! Does anyone encounter similar problems? Does anyone know anything about a certain format for the *.stl files in the collision section? Any other hints? Thanks for your attention! Best regards, Felix ___________________________________________________________ Neu: WEB.DE De-Mail - Einfach wie E-Mail, sicher wie ein Brief! Jetzt De-Mail-Adresse reservieren: