Dear community, I still have problems with the planning_environment package (unstable ROS version), when setting the parameter "use_collision_map" in for the environment_server to false! Since the previously mentioned error is fixed now, there is one more spot where the case use_collision_map == false is not handled quite right and leads to problems (endless loop). problem: in planning_environment/src/monitors/environment_server.cpp; in the constructor; line 73: ... while(!planning_monitor_->haveMap()){ ros::Duration().fromSec(0.05).sleep(); } ... possible solution: ... while(setup_.use_collision_map_ && !planning_monitor_->haveMap()){ ros::Duration().fromSec(0.05).sleep(); } ... I hope this can be fixed soon so that yet another overlay will not be necessary after the diamondback-release! Regards, Felix