> I now have the OpenRobotino API already installed on the robotino, and we > wanted to ask for the specific guidelines for installing ROS API on the > robotinos, I am currently installing the robotino drivers on the robotinos, > but are there clear steps of installing the API on the robotinos? MinaBotros, FIrst thing is that ROS itselfs is quite big. If you install the binary package ros-cturtle-base for Jaunty (Robotino is running Ubuntu/Jaunty) you are getting over 4GB. So you need a big compact flash card. Second thing is that compiling on Robotino is really slow. Thats because of the CF card and because of the limited computational power. Third thing is that you want be able to run things like SLAM because of limited memory and limited computational power. In the end I do not recommend to install ROS directly on Robotino. Install it on an external machine. The robotino_base_node connects to Robotino via network anyway so it doesn't make a big difference if the Robotino drivers run on Robotino or somewhere else. I just saw that I documented this already here http://wiki.openrobotino.org/index.php?title=ROS Good luck Christian