Hi Anton, I'm using the latest revision 1188 and you are right again (of course!): the default image topic for disparity_view is just "image" (under /stereo/left) but I need image_mono or image_color. So the following works for the color image (for example): $ rosrun videre_stereo_cam disparity_view stereo:=stereo image:=image_color And yes again, CPU load is actually 75% for stereo_image_proc + videre_stereo_node when I run disparity_view at the same time (thereby subscribing to /stereo/disparity.) (RViz pegs everything at 100% because I don't have a custom driver for the video card in this machine.) --patrick On 02/12/2011 04:02 PM, Antons Rebguns wrote: > Patrick, > >> Success! Thank you Anton--everything you said was bang on. So now I >> can see the disparity map with stereo_view and the point cloud in RViz. > > Great! Glad to hear the camera works for you. > >> Finally I can add a data point to Chris' original problem which is >> that I don't have the same problem--my raw images are fine with nothing >> weird in the lower third of the image. However, I can also confirm >> Chris' observation that the videre_stereo_cam disparity_view node shows >> only blank windows for both the left and disparity images. It makes no >> difference if I run the STOC or non-STOC launch files (with >> stereo_image_proc running alongside the non-STOC case). > > What revision are you using, I thought I fixed that in r1187? Did you > remap the image to the actual image coming from the camera? It prints > topics it is subscribing to, make sure these are correct. > >> BTW, I was surprised to see that running the STOC launch file >> (videre.launch) brought the CPU up to 31% whereas running the non-STOC >> launch file along with stereo_image_proc gave a total of only 10% CPU >> load for the pair of processes combined. Shouldn't I expect less load >> for the STOC situation since the stereo processing is being done on the >> camera? I'm running all of this on a 7-year-old HP Pavilion with a >> single-core AMD processor. > > Hmm, I highly doubt that the camera driver + stereo_image_proc takes > only 10% on a single core machine. stereo_image_proc doesn't do any > processing unless there are subscribes to the data it produces, e.g. > if you subscribe to point cloud topic, I would expect the load to be > much higher than 10%. I remember from my testing when I was writing > the driver, the STOC mode did use less CPU overall. Could you verify > that you are subscribing to the point cloud? > > Thanks, > Anton > >> >> On 02/12/2011 11:18 AM, Antons Rebguns wrote: >>> And reading the second part of your email more carefully, I see that >>> you already tried running in non-STOC mode :) Left and right shouldn't >>> be the same image, there's a slight offset that you should be able to >>> see if you put both images side by side. Try running stereo_image_proc >>> on those and see if you get proper point cloud. >>> >>> Anton >>> >>> On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 11:59 AM, Patrick Goebel wrote: >>>> Great suggestion! I can fire up videre_stereo_cam/launch/videre.launch >>>> without error (full startup messages listed below). However (and >>>> perhaps this is related to the problems with smallv and coriander), I >>>> can only see the left image. So running >>>> >>>> $ rosrun image_view ime_view image:=stereo/left/image_raw >>>> >>>> gives me an image but >>>> >>>> $ rosrun image_view ime_view image:=stereo/right/image_raw >>>> >>>> gives me a blank window. I get both left and right images in Windows >>>> when running smallv. >>>> >>>> Running rostopic list gives: >>>> >>>> /diagnostics >>>> /rosout >>>> /rosout_agg >>>> /stereo/disparity >>>> /stereo/left/camera_info >>>> /stereo/left/image_color >>>> /stereo/left/image_color/compressed >>>> /stereo/left/image_color/theora >>>> /stereo/left/image_mono >>>> /stereo/left/image_mono/compressed >>>> /stereo/left/image_mono/theora >>>> /stereo/left/image_raw >>>> /stereo/left/image_raw/compressed >>>> /stereo/left/image_raw/theora >>>> /stereo/left/image_rect >>>> /stereo/left/image_rect/compressed >>>> /stereo/left/image_rect/theora >>>> /stereo/left/image_rect_color >>>> /stereo/left/image_rect_color/compressed >>>> /stereo/left/image_rect_color/theora >>>> /stereo/points >>>> /stereo/points2 >>>> /stereo/videre_stereo_cam/parameter_descriptions >>>> /stereo/videre_stereo_cam/parameter_updates >>>> >>>> confirming only the left image is being published. >>>> >>>> So then I tried videre_non_stoc.launch and this time rostopic list shows: >>>> >>>> /diagnostics >>>> /rosout >>>> /rosout_agg >>>> /stereo/left/camera_info >>>> /stereo/left/image_raw >>>> /stereo/left/image_raw/compressed >>>> /stereo/left/image_raw/theora >>>> /stereo/right/camera_info >>>> /stereo/right/image_raw >>>> /stereo/right/image_raw/compressed >>>> /stereo/right/image_raw/theora >>>> /stereo/videre_stereo_cam/parameter_descriptions >>>> /stereo/videre_stereo_cam/parameter_updates >>>> >>>> And I get images for both left and right in image_view thought I'm not >>>> sure they aren't just the same image(?). >>>> >>>> --patrick >>>> >>>> P.S. Here are the startup messages when running videre.launch: >>>> >>>> started roslaunch server http://pi-ubuntu:33721/ >>>> >>>> SUMMARY >>>> ======== >>>> >>>> PARAMETERS >>>> * /stereo/videre_stereo_cam/frame_id >>>> * /stereo/videre_stereo_cam/fps >>>> * /stereo/videre_stereo_cam/exposure_auto >>>> * /stereo/videre_stereo_cam/videre_mode >>>> * /stereo/videre_stereo_cam/gain_auto >>>> * /stereo/videre_stereo_cam/brightness_auto >>>> * /stereo/videre_stereo_cam/convert_to_color >>>> >>>> NODES >>>> /stereo/ >>>> videre_stereo_cam (videre_stereo_cam/videre_stereo_node) >>>> >>>> ROS_MASTER_URI=http://pi-ubuntu:11311/ >>>> >>>> core service [/rosout] found >>>> process[videre_stereo_cam-1]: started with pid [2693] >>>> [ INFO] [1297535349.547920863]: Resetting bus >>>> [ INFO] [1297535349.550777061]: Initializing camera, turning off ISO >>>> [ INFO] [1297535349.620761024]: [dcam] Videre camera, getting local params >>>> [ INFO] [1297535349.621693078]: [dcam] Camera firmware: 07.01 >>>> [ INFO] [1297535349.622254601]: [dcam] Imager firmware: 0008 >>>> [ INFO] [1297535349.622468767]: [Dcam] Found stereo device >>>> [ INFO] [1297535349.623208715]: [dcam] STOC version: 04.02 >>>> [ INFO] [1297535349.624290434]: [dcam] STOC thresholds: 00010c0a >>>> [ INFO] [1297535349.925963168]: [dcam] Calibration, 1975 bytes >>>> [ INFO] [1297535349.928050938]: [dcam] Color device >>>> [ INFO] [1297535349.928625025]: [dcam] Feature register hi: d2800000 >>>> [ INFO] [1297535349.929191015]: [dcam] Feature register lo: 00000000 >>>> [ INFO] [1297535349.933219402]: [Dcam] Exposure min/max: [0,529] >>>> [ INFO] [1297535349.939681518]: [Dcam] Gain min/max: [0,48] >>>> [ INFO] [1297535349.944065080]: [Dcam] Brightness min/max: [0,255] >>>> [ INFO] [1297535349.946369249]: [Dcam] Whitebalance min/max: [0,30] >>>> >>>> >>>> [extractParams] Parameters: >>>> >>>> [dcam] SVS-type parameters >>>> [dcam] Disparity resolution: 1/16 pixel >>>> [dcam] Correlation window: 15 >>>> [dcam] Prefilter window: 9 >>>> [dcam] Number of disparities: 64 >>>> [dcam] left camera matrix (K) >>>> 508.5466 0.0000 316.0090 >>>> 0.0000 510.9624 240.5289 >>>> 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 >>>> >>>> [dcam] left distortion vector (D) >>>> -0.4300 0.2907 0.0000 0.0000 -0.1297 >>>> >>>> [dcam] left rectification matrix (R) >>>> 0.9999 0.0019 -0.0109 >>>> -0.0020 1.0000 -0.0031 >>>> 0.0109 0.0031 0.9999 >>>> >>>> [dcam] left projection matrix (P) >>>> 515.0000 0.0000 321.6060 0.0000 >>>> 0.0000 515.0000 227.1362 0.0000 >>>> 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 >>>> >>>> [dcam] right camera matrix (K) >>>> 511.9488 0.0000 298.7494 >>>> 0.0000 514.7863 216.4977 >>>> 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 >>>> >>>> [dcam] right distortion vector (D) >>>> -0.4172 0.2647 0.0000 0.0000 -0.1200 >>>> >>>> [dcam] right rectification matrix (R) >>>> 1.0000 0.0005 -0.0081 >>>> -0.0005 1.0000 0.0031 >>>> 0.0081 -0.0031 1.0000 >>>> >>>> [dcam] right projection matrix (P) >>>> 515.0000 0.0000 321.6060 -31.2624 >>>> 0.0000 515.0000 227.1362 0.0000 >>>> 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 >>>> >>>> [dcam] Has rectification >>>> >>>> >>>> [dcam] External translation vector >>>> -0.0607 -0.0000 0.0005 >>>> >>>> [dcam] External rotation vector >>>> 0.0062 -0.0028 -0.0015 >>>> >>>> [ INFO] [1297535350.228984827]: Connecting to camera with GUID >>>> 23930887758951554 [VIDERE_DESIGN MDS-STH] >>>> [ INFO] [1297535350.229400314]: Connected camera is a STOC device >>>> [ INFO] [1297535350.547844460]: Camera reconfigure request received, >>>> level 0xffffffff >>>> [ INFO] [1297535350.549813279]: Setting mode to disparity_raw >>>> [ INFO] [1297535350.549879176]: Color conversion from Bayer pattern is >>>> Enabled >>>> [ INFO] [1297535354.483589444]: Stereo camera's frame ID is >>>> /stereo_optical_frame >>>> [ INFO] [1297535354.483729336]: Setting Exposure to Auto setting >>>> [ INFO] [1297535354.483775129]: Setting Gain to Auto setting >>>> [ INFO] [1297535354.483817571]: Setting Brightness to Auto setting >>>> [ INFO] [1297535354.483859176]: Setting Whitebalance to Auto setting >>>> [ INFO] [1297535354.483900501]: Companding mode is Enabled >>>> [ INFO] [1297535354.483941547]: High Dynamic Range mode is Disabled >>>> [ INFO] [1297535354.634338543]: STOC: uniqueness threshold is set to 36 >>>> [ INFO] [1297535354.634449116]: STOC: texture threshold is set to 30 >>>> [ INFO] [1297535354.634493234]: STOC: speckle size is set to 100 >>>> [ INFO] [1297535354.634535118]: STOC: speckle range is set to 10 >>>> [ INFO] [1297535354.634576722]: STOC: horopter is set to 0 >>>> [ INFO] [1297535354.634618327]: ------------------------------------------- >>>> [ INFO] [1297535354.986294204]: Streaming... >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> On 02/12/2011 10:20 AM, Antons Rebguns wrote: >>>>> Patrick, >>>>> >>>>> You could also try running the ROS driver videre_stereo_cam in >>>>> ua-ros-pkg. Just run roslaunch videre_stereo_cam videre.launch to run >>>>> the camera in stoc mode. I am not sure it's going to work since >>>>> neither coriander nor svs works, but you can give it a shot. >>>>> >>>>> Anton >>>>> >>>>> On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 11:03 AM, Patrick Goebel wrote: >>>>>> It occurred to me that I have an old digital video camera that uses >>>>>> Firewire. So I installed kino, plugged in the camera to the same >>>>>> Firewire port I've been using with the STOC camera and presto, I am able >>>>>> to control the camera and capture some video. >>>>>> >>>>>> So I'm wondering if my problem is not having the Videre driver installed >>>>>> correctly. In fact, I'm not even sure what installing the driver might >>>>>> mean beyond what I did in the beginning which was: I unpacked the >>>>>> original SVS tgz file into /home/patrick/bin/svs. Then: >>>>>> >>>>>> $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/patrick/bin/svs/bin:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH >>>>>> $ cd /usr/lib >>>>>> $ sudo ln -s libraw1394.so.11.0.1 libraw1394.so.8 >>>>>> $ sudo ldconfig >>>>>> >>>>>> Is there something else I need to do to make sure the STOC driver is >>>>>> being accessed? >>>>>> >>>>>> --patrick >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> On 02/12/2011 09:10 AM, Patrick Goebel wrote: >>>>>>> Many thanks Anton and Jack! Changing the permissions and group (video) >>>>>>> on /dev/raw1394 got me a little further but there is still a problem. >>>>>>> Coriander now comes up and shows "VIDERE_DESIGN MDS-STH" under the >>>>>>> Camera Select menu but the window is completely unresponsive--clicking >>>>>>> on tabs and buttons has no effect. Typing Ctrl-C in the launching >>>>>>> terminal kills the coriander window but does not return the command >>>>>>> prompt and coriander is listed as a defunct process. Also, trying to >>>>>>> run smallv simply hangs after issuing the command--no window ever >>>>>>> appears and neither Ctrl-C nor 'pkill -9 smallv' in another terminal can >>>>>>> kill it... >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Just to summarize: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> ls -l /dev/raw1394 >>>>>>> crwxrwxrwx 1 root video 171, 0 2011-02-12 08:57 /dev/raw1394 >>>>>>> >>>>>>> uid=1000(patrick) gid=1000(patrick) >>>>>>> groups=4(adm),6(disk),20(dialout),24(cdrom),44(video),46(plugdev),104(lpadmin),115(admin),120(sambashare),1000(patrick) >>>>>>> >>>>>>> ls -l /dev/video1394/ >>>>>>> total 0 >>>>>>> crwxrwxrwx+ 1 root video 171, 16 2011-02-12 08:57 0 >>>>>>> crwxrwxrwx+ 1 root video 171, 17 2011-02-12 08:57 1 >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Any other thoughts? >>>>>>> >>>>>>> --patrick >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On 02/12/2011 08:46 AM, Antons Rebguns wrote: >>>>>>>> What I always have to do is set RW permissions on /dev/raw1394, I >>>>>>>> never had to touch /dev/video1394. After that everything usually works >>>>>>>> just fine. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Anton >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 9:39 AM, Jack O'Quin wrote: >>>>>>>>> On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 10:18 AM, Patrick Goebel wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> I made sure I am a member of both the disk and video groups and I did a >>>>>>>>>> chmod 777 on dev/video1394/* so that ls -l dev/video1394/* gives: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> crwxrwxrwx+ 1 root video 171, 16 2011-02-12 07:59 0 >>>>>>>>>> crwxrwxrwx+ 1 root video 171, 17 2011-02-12 07:59 >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> You probably need to do something similar for /dev/raw1394: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> http://www.ros.org/wiki/camera1394/Troubleshooting#No_Bus_Access_Permissions >>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>> joq >>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________ >>>>>>>>> ros-users mailing list >>>>>>>>> ros-users@code.ros.org >>>>>>>>> https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> _______________________________________________ >>>>>>>> ros-users mailing list >>>>>>>> ros-users@code.ros.org >>>>>>>> https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users >>>>>>> _______________________________________________ >>>>>>> ros-users mailing list >>>>>>> ros-users@code.ros.org >>>>>>> https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users >>>>>> _______________________________________________ >>>>>> ros-users mailing list >>>>>> ros-users@code.ros.org >>>>>> https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users >>>>>> >>>>> _______________________________________________ >>>>> ros-users mailing list >>>>> ros-users@code.ros.org >>>>> https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users >>>> _______________________________________________ >>>> ros-users mailing list >>>> ros-users@code.ros.org >>>> https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users >>>> >>> _______________________________________________ >>> ros-users mailing list >>> ros-users@code.ros.org >>> https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users >> _______________________________________________ >> ros-users mailing list >> ros-users@code.ros.org >> https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users >> > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > ros-users@code.ros.org > https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users