Hello list, At the moment i'm involved in a project where we are trying to built a Delta Robot. So i start reading the docs and tutorials and i've a few questions. The kinematic model for the Delta Robot has already been developed; a inverse and forward model is available to me. I'm trying to find out if i'm heading the right way. I've found a page on the ROS wiki named 'Running arm navigation on non-PR2 arm' [http://www.ros.org/wiki/arm_navigation/Tutorials/Running%20arm%20navigation%20on%20non-PR2%20arm] Is it right to say that if i implement the functions mentioned in the article above that i can have a working Delta Robot (kinematic model, that is)? Is there perhaps a better way? We are probably going with the Trio Whistle from ElmoMC for controlling the motors. I think it's best to start with developing the kinematic model and then implement packages for communication with the controller. Any tips or ideas on this? I've already found a package with CANopen support for the Elmo Harmonica [http://www.ros.org/wiki/cob_canopen_motor] (basically the same as a whistler)... -- Kind regards, Wouter van Teijlingen A krugerstraat 18 bis - 3531 ap - utrecht T 06 303 966 51 E wouter@van-teijlingen.nl