LaserScan assumes that all points are in a plane, namely the XY plane of the sensor coordinate system. The coordinates x,y,z can be computed from the sensor pose (position and orientation, which are defined by the tf frame stored in the header), the angle_min, the angle_increment, the range from ranges[] and its position in ranges[]. You would have to invert this computation. Am 17.02.2011 16:17, schrieb "Yilmaz Bünyamin": > So, because i could not understand how i use the pointcloud_to_laserscan i am trying to write an own Node wich is subscribing a topic with PointCloud and publishing a topic LaserScan. > > I have some understanding problems with LaserScan. > PointCloud is easy to understand. > because there u have geometry_msgs/Point32[] points with x,y,z. > But what is in LaserScan float32[] ranges? > > where do i put x y z from point cloud in LaserScan? > > > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > >