Interesting suggestion. I am not sure if creating extra -dbg puts a large burden on our debian package generation system, but if it doesn't, that sounds like a great idea! Thanks for the feedback! PS. We have the same problem with many libraries not just PCL. I was talking about PCL in my e-mail because that's the one we tested. Cheers, Radu. -- On 02/22/2011 12:24 PM, Nizar Khalifa Sallem wrote: >> For example, there are numerous libraries in the Ubuntu repositories that provide both a -dbg and a regular version. One example: the GNU C library has both the "libc6" package, as >> well as the "libc6-dbg" package that provides debugging symbols (or a version that doesn't have debugging symbols stripped out). I'm a bit fuzzy on exactly what they are doing, but >> my point is that they have two separate packages, one with debugging symbols and one without and I get to choose which to install. Could PCL do something similar?