Intermodalics, K.U.Leuven and Locomotec are organizing a two-part seminar, appealing to both industry and research institutes, titled: 1. Real-Time Robotics with state-of-the art open source software: case studies (45min presentation, open to all) 2. Exploring the Orocos Toolchain (2 hours hands-on, registration required) on April 7th, 2011 at the European Robotics Forum, Västerås, Sweden[1,2]. The European Robotics Forum is a gathering of representatives of all European robotics stakeholders from industry, research, academia and public and private investors. It primarily aims at facilitating networking between these groups through numerous plenary sessions and smaller workshops of common interest. 1. Real-Time Robotics with state-of-the art open source software: case studies In this presentation, Peter Soetens and Ruben Smits introduce the audience to a bird's eye view of today's Open Source robotics eco-system. Which are the strong and weak points of existing software ? Which work seamlessly together, and on which operating systems (Windows, Linux, VxWorks,... ) ? We will prove our statements with practical examples from both academic and industrial use cases. This presentation is the result of the long standing experience of the presenters with a open source technologies in robotics applications and will offer the audience leads and insights to further explore this realm. 2. Exploring the Orocos Toolchain In this hands-on session, the participants are invited to bring their own laptop with Orocos and ROS (optionally) installed. We will support Linux, Mac OS-X and Windows users and will provide instructions on how they can prepare to participate. We will let the participants experience that the Orocos toolchain: * gives you the possibility to write expressive, compact, yet real-time applications (if on a real-time OS) * nicely integrates with other popular robotics software * provides the hooks and extensions to allow application supervision * makes 'separation of concerns' in software a natural habit for the programmer * allows to easily script an application together and inspect/modify with it easily while running We will use the ROS message protocol to interface the YouBot or a Gazebo simulation of it. You first need to register for attending the euRobotics Forum. Registration for the hands-on is mandatory, but free of charge. We will limit the number of participants to 20. Please register your participation by sending an email to . More information is available online at [1] EU Robotics Forum: [2] Programme: