Hi, I've just joined the mailing list today and was searching through the archives and noticed this thread on getting rviz to work under OSX (running X and not Carbon or Cocoa) In case others are interested I've managed to get it working, although more by luck than anything else. Adminttedly, I'm new to ROS so haven't actually done anything useful under rviz, but I've definitely gotten past the splash screen and onto the main rviz window. Anyway, I thought I'd share my experience in case it might help someone else. I've installed/uninstalled/re-installed various macports so many times that I'm not exactly sure what exactly got things working. However here are some of the things I noted down: I found the following discussions useful. Although some of it was out of date, and I ended up installing and the removing the prepackaged OgreSDK. http://ros-users.122217.n3.nabble.com/rviz-on-snow-leopard-td817095.html http://ros-users.122217.n3.nabble.com/ogre-tools-broken-on-CTurtle-Snow-leopard-td1443501.html I installed the latest Nvidia CG toolkit from the nvidia webpage: http://developer.nvidia.com/page/cg_main.html As someone else noted in this thread I had to change #ifdef __WXMAC__ to #ifdef __APPLE__ (actually I just deleted the necessary bits - since by that stage the frustration was getting to me). What might be important is that during my initial attempts to compile rviz, it compiled ok without these changes (although it did segfault at the splash screen). It was only after removing the old OgreSDK and removing/re-installing various macport packages that it actually failed to compile and I needed to change the code. And then the only change I needed to make to get things to compile was the bit that was looking for 'sigtimedwait' instead of 'sigwait' (around line 284 of rviz/visualizer_app.cpp). The fact that it previous compiled must mean that something somewhere was incorrectly defining __WXMAC__. I wonder if whatever caused that is still lurking in your attempts to compile and that is why you are still getting the segfaults? One thing that may or may not be relevant. I'm running 32-bit Snow Leopard (sadly I'm still using a first generation macbook). I don't know what would be different when compiling on 64 bit Mac OSX. One question. When I initially ran rviz I was getting a missing library error for libassimp.1.dylib. So I had to set: DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/robot_model/assimp/lib/ Any thoughts on why its not finding this one library? Anyway thanks and good luck, Dave