Hi, I have a 3GB monster of a bag file, containing about 30 seconds of Kinect data. It has an average of 15 VGA frames of rgb point cloud data per second. I am trying to play it back on my desktop, and visualizing the data in rviz. When I use the "rosbag play" (either from the command line or launch file" I get very poor results - barely 1 frame per second coming out of the bag. However, when I open the bag file with rxbag, enable the publishing option, and play it back from there, I get acceptable results. I noticed that random fiddling with the "delay" and "queue" flags of "rosbag play" seems to improve performance, but I'm not sure what an optimal combination is. Can anyone, a) explain this discrepancy, b) share their tips about bagging and playing kinect data? Thanks, Ivan