Cool, I added an exit(1) just after the error message so that it will be more noticeable next time this happens. On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 8:15 AM, Ringo (Lester) Davis wrote: > I got it. > once I did > sudo apt-get install python-pygame > it started working. > Ringo > > > On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 11:04 AM, Ringo (Lester) Davis > wrote: >> I'm new to ROS an linux, so this my be a question with an obvious answer. >> I'm trying to use sound_play to play a simple test string like in the tutorial. >> It looks like it installed correctly and it is in my path. >> but when I type >> >>  roslaunch sound_play soundplay_node.launch >> I get >> >> ... logging to /home/ldavis/.ros/log/93206174-4e4b-11e0-abf7-002170ae6325/roslaunch-ubuntu-2779.log >> Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. >> Press Ctrl-C to interrupt >> Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB. >> >> started roslaunch server http://ubuntu:58370/ >> >> SUMMARY >> ======== >> >> PARAMETERS >>  * /rosversion >>  * /rosdistro >> >> NODES >>  / >>    soundplay_node (sound_play/ >> >> auto-starting new master >> process[master]: started with pid [2793] >> ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311 >> >> setting /run_id to 93206174-4e4b-11e0-abf7-002170ae6325 >> process[rosout-1]: started with pid [2806] >> started core service [/rosout] >> process[soundplay_node-2]: started with pid [2809] >> No handlers could be found for logger "rosout" >> [FATAL] [WallTime: 1300114734.721240] >> ************************************************************** >> Error opening pygame.mixer. Is pygame installed? (sudo apt-get install >> python-pygame) >> ************************************************************** >> >> Traceback (most recent call last): >>  File "/home/ldavis/sound_play/scripts/", line 363, >> in >>    soundplay() >>  File "/home/ldavis/sound_play/scripts/", line 306, >> in __init__ >>    while not rospy.is_shutdown() and self.mixer_init(): >>  File "/home/ldavis/sound_play/scripts/", line 329, >> in mixer_init >>    rospy.logerr('Exception in sound startup, will retry once per >> second. Is the speaker connected? Have you configured ALSA? Can aplay >> play sound? See the wiki if there is a red light on the Logitech >> speaker. Have a look at >> Error >> message: %s'%str(e)) >> TypeError: 'str' object is not callable >> [soundplay_node-2] process has died [pid 2809, exit code 1]. >> log files: /home/ldavis/.ros/log/93206174-4e4b-11e0-abf7-002170ae6325/soundplay_node-2*.log >> >> >> This is one a laptop with no external speakers installed. >> I know the speakers on the laptop work in things like firefox, but how >> do I configure soundplay to use them? >> >> This is everything I did. >> $ svn checkout >> $ export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=~/sound_play:$ROS_PACKAGE_PATH >> $ rosmake --rosdep-install sound_play >> $ roslaunch sound_play soundplay_node.launch >> >> >> Any help will be greatly appreciated. >> Ringo >> > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > > >