> This is the first bzr stack our pre-release system has attempted, so there > may be an issue there.  We'll look into it. Okay, I think the bazaar pipeline is up now. I resolved the following issues: * bzr support was not fully implemented in our rosdistro parser * the shadow robot entry in the rosdistro file used an invalid tag "dev", and was missing "deb-branch" and "disto-branch" tags. * bzr was not installed in the chroot However, I think your bzr url/branch is not set up correcty. When I run: bzr branch -r lp:sr-ros-interface/stable bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~shadowrobot/sr-ros-interface I get: Launchpad user 'wim' doesn't have a registered SSH key Permission denied (publickey). bzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist. You might have to specify a separate uri for anonymous access (see the git examples in the rosdisto file). We still need to resolve an issue with the host certificate of your bzr host. Wim -- -- Wim Meeussen Willow Garage Inc.