I don't have much to contribute to the roscpp issue, but I will note that it is preferable to subscribe to rosout_agg rather than rosout. The former provides the aggregated messages from a single publisher (the rosout node). - Ken On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 1:10 AM, Christian Verbeek wrote: > Dear all, > > I am missing message when subscribing to /rosout > > _log_sub = _node.subscribe( "/rosout", 100, &ROSHandler::logCallback, > this ); > > I do call ros::spinOnce() approximately every 20ms. When I call spinOnce > as fast as possible (in a loop) then no messages are lost. But then my > app needs 60% of the CPU so that is not really desirable. > > A > rostopic echo /rosout > catches all messages. > > Any ideas? > Regards Christian > > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > ros-users@code.ros.org > https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users >