On Wednesday 11 May 2011 17.06.27 Peter Soetens wrote: >On Wednesday 11 May 2011 13:03:45 Anders Nilsson wrote: > > $ rosmake orocos_toolchain_ros > > [ rosmake ] Packages requested are: ['orocos_toolchain_ros'] > > [ rosmake ] Logging to > > directory/home/andersn/.ros/rosmake/rosmake_output-20110511-125311 > > [ rosmake ] Expanded args ['orocos_toolchain_ros'] to: > > [] > > [ rosmake ] WARNING: The following args could not be parsed as stacks or > > packages: ['orocos_toolchain_ros'] > > [ rosmake ] ERROR: No arguments could be parsed into valid package or > > stack names. > > You're almost there. You need to put the orocos_toolchain_ros in your ros > package path. for example: > > cd orocos_toolchain_ros > export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=$ROS_PACKAGE_PATH:$(pwd) > > Most people have a $HOME/ros directory and put that directory in the path > above and build all ros related software inthere. > > Then try rosmake again. And then it (sort of) works, thanks. There are still some bumps in the way, though: 1. Need to give --rosdep-install option in order to (try to) resolve dependencies: $ rosmake --rosdep-install orocos_toolchain_ros 2. Doesn't compile on Fedora 13 due to lack of available antlr-C++ package. Moved on to a Fedora 14 machine instead. 3. Had to install xerces-devel manually as --rosdep-install wouldn't do it. 4. Missing dependency on omniorb, which of course is not supplied in the usual fedora repositories. Dug out installable rpm:s from http://www.openrtm.org/pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/14/Fedora/i386/os/Packages/omniORB-4.1.4-4/ 5. Manually install rubygem-hoe. Unfortunately it dosen't help: [rosmake-2] Starting >>> rtt_rospack [ make ] [ rosmake ] All 10 linescl: 0.3 sec ] [ orogen: ... [ 3 Active 41/53 Complete ] {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rake (in /opt/orocos_toolchain_ros/orogen) WARN: cannot load the Hoe gem, or Hoe fails. Publishing tasks are disabled WARN: error message is: No such file or directory - History.txt WARN: cannot load RDoc, documentation generation disabled WARN: no such file to load -- rdoc/task cannot load oroGen: no such file to load -- typelib_ruby did you install Typelib's Ruby bindings and update the RUBYLIB environment variable accordingly ? did you add /opt/orocos_toolchain_ros/orogen/lib to RUBYLIB ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} [ rosmake ] Output from build of package orogen written to: [ rosmake ] /root/.ros/rosmake/rosmake_output-20110512-144823/orogen/build_output.log [rosmake-1] Finished <<< orogen [FAIL] [ 0.33 seconds ] [ rosmake ] Halting due to failure in package orogen. [ rosmake ] Waiting for other threads to complete. [rosmake-2] Finished <<< rtt_rospack [PASS] [ 2.80 seconds ] [rosmake-0] Finished <<< ocl [PASS] [ 21.79 seconds ] [ rosmake ] Results: [ rosmake ] Built 44 packages with 1 failures. [ rosmake ] Summary output to directory [ rosmake ] /root/.ros/rosmake/rosmake_output-20110512-144823 > > > And there I'm stuck. Again. /Anders -- Anders Nilsson, Ph.D. Dep. of Automatic Control, Lund University Phone: +46 (0)46 222 87 94, Fax: +46 (0)46 13 81 18 Mob: +46 (0)703 22 57 67