Hi Everyone, I'm trying to get the Turtlebot stack running on Roomba + Laptop + Kinect. Most of the things work. Unfortunately I cannot get the turtlebot_navigation gmapping_demo running. Move_base keeps complaining " Still waiting on map..." and gmapping spits out " [target=/odom ]: Dropped 100.00% of messages so far. Please turn the [ros.gmapping.message_notifier] rosconsole logger to DEBUG for more information." Every once in a while. I tried different ways to get in touch with the Roomba. The roomba_500_series node is working great for teleoperation and after renaming 'base_link' to 'base_footprint' I think I got the tf's right because rviz can now show the laserscan. (I also needed to change kinect_... to openni_.. in some places). Still I thought the the problem might be related to the roomba_500_series stuff interfacing differently than the turtlebot_node. So I cloned that node and tried to make it use the Roomba class out of turtlebot_driver instead of TurtleBot. This did not work at all. It complained about not being able toe read on the port, while connecting appears to work. After changing the baudrate it was able to read the desired number of bytes but crashed afterwards. I'm using the roostick for connection, maybe there are more changed needed to make it work? Anyway, I went back to the roomba_500_series node as everything looks fine (except for gmapping not working...). So I'm running out of ideas. So maybe someone has some ideas... Here a few questions, that might help: - Does anyone have the turtlebot stack running on a similar combination? - How do I enable that loggin mode, that the mentioned error msg requests? - What else does gmapping need that a laserscan to function properly? And here some more info: roswtf says these are unconnected: * /move_base/local_costmap/obstacles * /move_base/local_costmap/inflated_obstacles * /move_base/TrajectoryPlannerROS/global_plan * /particlecloud and this is a bit strange, because I see the nodes running and proper connections in rviz: ERROR Communication with [/move_base] raised an error: Unable to communicate with master! ERROR Communication with [/kinect_base_link1] raised an error: Unable to communicate with master! ERROR Communication with [/kinect_base_link] raised an error: Unable to communicate with master! ERROR The following nodes should be connected but aren't: * /rviz_1305470350119958706->/move_base (/move_base_simple/goal) * /kinect_base_link1->/rviz_1305470350119958706 (/tf) * /kinect_base_link1->/move_base (/tf) * /kinect_base_link->/move_base (/tf) * /kinect_base_link->/rviz_1305470350119958706 (/tf) thanks a lot in advance jan