Hi I am currently installing ROS on wheezy (amd64). Here are some of the problems I encountered and fixes. first of all, desktop-full fails because it cannot access the perception stack: [/media/data/dev/ros] $ rosinstall . "http://packages.ros.org/cgi-bin/gen_rosinstall.py?rosdistro=diamondback&variant=desktop-full&overlay=no" Installing http://svn.pointclouds.org/ros/tags/perception_pcl-0.10.0 to /media/data/dev/ros/perception_pcl svn: REPORT of '/ros/!svn/vcc/default': 200 OK (http://svn.pointclouds.org) ERROR: Failed to install tree '/media/data/dev/ros/perception_pcl' vcs not setup correctly So I continued with the desktop installation. Compilation of rosconsole failed because it could not find log4cxx/logger.h so I had to install package (with apt-get) liblog4xx10-dev. It happened just after rosinstall invoked apt-get to install some missing dependencies though, so I guess there is a problem here with the list of dependencies... Compilation of rosrecord also failed because the linker add an issue linking with boost::filesystem. I add to modify the CMakeList (ros_comm/tools/rosrecord/CMakeList.txt): added filesystem in the list of boost dependencies for the rosplay executable. After that the whole installation went fine. I will proceed with testing and report any further problem. Regards Brice