HI I am looking for a way to remote control my robot - for quick testing of the base control drivers - for data collection - to return the robot to the storage area without having to carry it - etc. The only code I could find was the teleop_turtle_key.cpp. I adapted it to my robot (i.e. changed a few names, and converted from turtle::Velocity msg to geometry_msgs::Twist) and it works. However, it has a problem: there is no way to set the velocity to 0 (I could introduce an extra key to stop though). This is due to the nature of the code: it does not handle key press and key release events. This also means that it cannot move and turn at the same time. I have written a code to do that. It relies on Xlib. It opens a small X window and get the key events from there. It works fine. I could port it to ROS and make it available. But I wanted to know what was already there. I cannot believe nobody has done this before. Regards Brice